I love L.A. Where else can you dig through a pile of vintage rags where everythinig is only $1? Plus, it was a balmy 73 degrees in early February. Perfect weather. Perfect shopping.
Here's a list of clothing swaps, consignment shops, free events, and upcoming super sales:
Baltimore Free Store, Summer 2007 Events
I love that my hometown is representing the free world!
Baltimore Free Store
Buffalo Exchange
504 Driggs Avenue
New York City, NY 11211
(718) 384-6901
Location: in Williamsburg at N. 9th St, L train's Bedford stop
Aug 25, 2007
Join Brooklyn Buffalo Exchange for a back-to-school roller disco party! Giveaways, refreshments and fun.
Swap-O-Rama Event Listings
Second Saturday of Every Month: Housing Works Warehouse Sale, 10-4
Featuring $20 all you can stuff bags of clothes. And believe me, I know how to stuff a bag!
48-49 35th St. (bet 48th Ave and Hunters Point Ave)
Long Island City, Queens
Housing Works Warehouse Sale