What's up with this trend in movies like "I Know Who Killed Me" and "Grindhouse" where strippers become amputees in some kind of freakish scenario and are transformed into crime-solving heroines with rechargeable or gun metal body parts? In the absurdly gross and perhaps intentionally hilarious "I Know Who Killed Me," train wreck starlet Lindsay Lohan's finger falls off after her turn at the pole and her leg mysteriously disconnects during the middle of the night. Sorry if I spoiled any essential plot points for anyone planning to see this stinker, but the good news is it's probably already out of the theaters (it's worth checking out on Netflix though). But on the clear heels of naughty Cupie doll Rose McGowan's stripper with a machine gun leg of gold role in "Grindhouse," I'm starting to wonder if Hollywood honchos are fulfilling some sort of sadistic fantasy.
At least in NBC's revival of the "Bionic Woman -- airing September 26 at 9 p.m. -- the new and improved Jamie Summers will kick butt with her clothes on. And for a classic dancing girl's tale, nothing can beat the campy genius of "Showgirls." Elizabeth Berkley does beat a guy down with her spiky, thigh-high boots, but the only thing fake about Nomi were her fire-engine red Lee press-ons and strained blonde ponytail extension.